What’s your superpower?

Silver Lining Finder! 

How do you express gratitude?

I think it is so important to tell the people in our lives that we appreciate what they share with us. I might be an over-thanker, but when I'm not saying it with words I'm usually saying it with time.  

What’s your favorite pose?  Why?

Rabbit pose - sasangasana! I love the curled in feeling of this shape - and it gives such a great stretch to the upper back, which is tough to get to sometimes!

Why do you share yoga?

 This practice has taught me so many lessons – first about my body, then about my heart, and then about the incredible one-ness of this world. The joy and opening that yoga has brought to my life is so contagious, I can’t help but want to spread the love!

When was the last time you laughed out loud?

Ha! I feel like I’m laughing at myself constantly. 

What always makes you smile?

A phone call from my brothers. I am lucky to have such incredible friendships with my siblings, and talking with them always makes me feel grounded and supported.

What does flow mean to you?

Yoga is not about perfectly contorting our bodies into beautiful shapes - it is about connecting with that infinite source that moves us between spaces of comfort and discomfort both on and off the mat. In our physical practice that means finding the breath, the dance, and the intention even as we move through familiar and unfamiliar shapes. But that's just the beginning of our practice - finding our breath and our dance and our intention in our crazy lives on this planet is the real challenge! The key seems to be in the give and take, the back and forth, and the understanding that this will always be a practice! To me, embracing flow is embracing that balance and uncertainty - and also that amazing creative power!

What can our TGY friends expect from your class?

An accessible practice, dance-able tunes, and space to explore your own yoga!

RYT 200 through CorePower Yoga,